WhatsApp has become one of the biggest messaging apps around the world, with around one billion users as of February 2016. Its popularity isn’t really surprising since the app allows users to text and call their friends and family members and exchange pictures and videos no matter where they are in the world. The best thing about the app is that it’s completely free; it used to cost $0.99 per year, but the company scrapped this pricing structure so users no longer need to pay a monthly or yearly fee to use the app.
WhatsApp is available for a wide range of phones, and these include Samsung’s budget cheap phones like the Z1 and Z3, both of which run on the Tizen OS. If you have one of these phones and would like to enjoy WhatsApp, you’ll need to take several steps to download and install it in your phone.
If you have a Samsung Z1, for instance, you can download the app from the Tizen Store. If it’s your first time to download applications from the store, you’ll need to create an account and download an app called “ACL for Tizen” (which is short for Application Compatibility Layer). After installing and enabling the app, go to the Tizen Store and search for WhatsApp. Follow the instructions on the screen to download and install the app on your phone and start using it.
If you already have WhatsApp on your Samsung budget phone, you’ll want to watch out for updates and download the latest version of the app ASAP. Doing this is important so you can enjoy the latest features that WhatsApp would release while ensuring that any bugs in the app would be fixed.
As of the moment, the latest version is WhatsApp 2.12.17, which you can download from the Tizen Store. The update is said to install security features in the app, improve the design for browsing photos and videos, and provide solid colors as background for chats. It also allows you to zoom in on videos while they’re playing, save incoming media for certain chats, and pull down in-app notifications so you can easily reply to messages.
WhatsApp 2.12.17 doesn’t yet allow Tizen phones to make Voice Calls. If you had signed up for the WhatsApp Call Beta, you’ll lose the capability to make voice calls on WhatsApp when you download the latest update. This can be depressing and may tempt you not to update the app, but upgrading to 2.12.17 is recommended since it provides you with additional security.
WhatsApp is available for a wide range of phones, and these include Samsung’s budget cheap phones like the Z1 and Z3, both of which run on the Tizen OS. If you have one of these phones and would like to enjoy WhatsApp, you’ll need to take several steps to download and install it in your phone.
If you have a Samsung Z1, for instance, you can download the app from the Tizen Store. If it’s your first time to download applications from the store, you’ll need to create an account and download an app called “ACL for Tizen” (which is short for Application Compatibility Layer). After installing and enabling the app, go to the Tizen Store and search for WhatsApp. Follow the instructions on the screen to download and install the app on your phone and start using it.
If you already have WhatsApp on your Samsung budget phone, you’ll want to watch out for updates and download the latest version of the app ASAP. Doing this is important so you can enjoy the latest features that WhatsApp would release while ensuring that any bugs in the app would be fixed.
As of the moment, the latest version is WhatsApp 2.12.17, which you can download from the Tizen Store. The update is said to install security features in the app, improve the design for browsing photos and videos, and provide solid colors as background for chats. It also allows you to zoom in on videos while they’re playing, save incoming media for certain chats, and pull down in-app notifications so you can easily reply to messages.
WhatsApp 2.12.17 doesn’t yet allow Tizen phones to make Voice Calls. If you had signed up for the WhatsApp Call Beta, you’ll lose the capability to make voice calls on WhatsApp when you download the latest update. This can be depressing and may tempt you not to update the app, but upgrading to 2.12.17 is recommended since it provides you with additional security.
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